Social Fusion Marketing Blog

Instantly Improve Your Twitter Marketing With These 7 Twitter Tips!

Written by Nicholas Dimitriadis | May 22, 2018 1:22:38 PM

With over 330 million active monthly users, Twitter is indeed a very powerful social media platform.  Information is published at a dizzying pace, which leads to a couple of key issues when trying to generate benefit from this tool; saturation and tweet life.

Today, it is getting increasingly harder to get seen on the platform and traditional methods of posting may no longer cut it. To address this, here is a list of the 7 most effective Twitter tips you can leverage to boost your Twitter marketing and tweet performance.



Hashtag Analysis

What keywords are to SEO, hashtags are to Twitter. In order to boost the probabilities of your posts being seen, you will want to leverage the power of relevant and high performing hashtags. One of the best tools out there to help you monitor, find, and analyze top hashtags in your niche is



With this tool you can easily:

  • See the most popular  hashtags
  • Connect with influencers talking about similar content (via hashtag)
  • Connect with users searching for your topic (via hashtag)
  • Create a list of appropriate, high performing, high-quality hashtags for your niche

All the above have one ultimate goal; to increase the reach, visibility, and discoverability of your tweets.



Looking for additional insight? Check out this article about The Only Twitter Marketing Strategy You’ll Need in 2019!


A/B Test

Similarly to email A/B testing, A/B testing for tweets is an excellent way to see what resonates the most with your audience.  There are three main parameters to test for; post body, image, and hashtags.

Quick tip: For the best results only test one variable at a time. If you test for more than one parameter, it will be difficult to ascertain which drove the higher response.


By finding what works best with your audience, you will be able to understand more about them, about what they like to consume, and about the language they use to help you get your message across. In turn, this will increase engagement with your posts and might even start to bring more traffic to your site as you get your audience more and more interested in your brand and content.


Make Use of Actionable Words

According to Twitter, using actionable keywords can increase clicks by an average of 13%. These phrases can often make tweets more personable and can create a sense of urgency or enticement.


The above image is from Buffer in which they share 189 powerful words that convert.

Tweets with actionable words have the potential to:

  • Increase traffic to blog posts, landing pages, and even your own website
  • Generate leads
  • Increase visibility by making the tweet stand out in the crowd


Locate the Most Engaged Followers

Every niche, company, brand, blogger, or social media persona have certain followers that stand out from the rest. There are the followers that engage with every post, that link to, share, like, retweet, and comment on most (if not all) of your content on Twitter.



As such, it is these individuals can:

  • Drive loads of engagement to your account
  • Help you build thought leadership
  • Divert traffic to your site


So how can one find and monitor these individuals? One way to do it is to manually look at every post you have on a daily basis to see track engagement. While this can work, it is also very time consuming.

Another easier (and more efficient) method is to use a tool such as SEMrush. Such tools can quickly identify the tweets with the most interactions and engagement, as well as, who liked, shared, and commented the most.

Once these loyal and active followers have been identified, be sure to develop a strategy to nurture your relationship with them. This can be done via:

  • Reaching out to them
  • Acknowledging what they are doing
  • Thanking them for engaging
  • Begin a conversation
  • Share, like, and comment on content of their own


Special Offers

On the topic of loyal and engaged followers, these individuals are doing a great service by talking about your brand, content, and services to others, so why not reward them? You can potentially offer a discount code, a free deliverable (template or ebook), or any other offering as a token of appreciation.



This can have multiple benefits:

  • By saying thank you, you show you care about what they are doing and might begin to build a bond of trust with your most loyal followers
  • By reinforcing this behavior, they might even increase their engagement, bringing in even more traffic to your account and site
  • Other followers can see this activity and begin engaging more in order to also be granted the special offer


Offer Free Insight

Oftentimes, some free insight is more than enough to give your followers more reason to engage with your content and/or click on a link provided. A great example of free insight can include sharing some tips and tricks that have worked for you or for highly respected influencers in your industry.



The above is excellent for:

  • Developing trust with your followers
  • Increasing thought leadership
  • Generating traffic
  • Generating leads


Utilize Pinned Tweets

Pinned tweets are excellent at drawing user attention to a specific piece of content of your choosing since the tweet will always be at the top of your profile and likely the first thing visitors will see.

While you can pin anything you like, the best tweets to pin are those that link back to specific landing pages, or to pages linking to rich quality driven content that will provide value to your followers.



This tactic is great for:

  • Increasing though leadership (if linked to a value-driven page)
  • Increasing traffic acquisition
  • Generating leads


This is one of the easiest and most effective tactics you can perform on Twitter. Simply pick a link that users are most likely to engage with, create an attractive tweet (paying close attention to the copy and imagery), and pin it to the top of your profile.

While the above tips could increase your performance on Twitter, they’re not the end of the line. There are multiple other tactics you can leverage to massively increase your account’s visibility, authority, and reputation. If you are interested you can check out the link below: 

Do you have any questions? Have you been using any tactics that have been working wonders for you? Let us know!

And as always, be sure to check out the links below for more Twitter marketing insight: