Social Fusion Marketing Blog

Expert Insight to Boost Your Content Marketing Success (Pt.1)

Written by Nicholas Dimitriadis | Mar 28, 2017 1:54:00 PM

We all hear experts emphasize content marketing, but why is it important?

Regardless of the size of your business, content marketing is one of the most effective ways to grow your online presence. As you create content, you’re essentially giving your company and brand a personality. Your posts are not seen as invasive promotional activity, but as informative “tips” that offer your audience value. Further, this will not only allow your message to have greater resonance, but it will also provide you a gateway to form and maintain a relationship of trust between you and your audience.


With more and more brands starting to understand the impact of content marketing, you will need to gain a deep understanding of the strategic concepts behind content marketing in order to remain competitive. This is why we have compiled a list of expert insight to help boost your content marketing success.  Given the amount we've gathered, we are splitting this post into two-parts.  This is part one.

Content Marketing Optimization

  • It doesn’t matter how good your content is, if it is improperly optimized, it will never cut through the noise. Oren Barzilai from emphasizes the benefits of shared content optimization and provides strategies for leveraging your social channels.
  • As SEO algorithms constantly evolve, so should the way you write and present your content. Irfan Ahmad presents a detailed infographic illustrating a guide to writing and optimizing SEO content.

Content Marketing Types

  • In the section above, we saw why content optimization is important and we went through strategies to effectively structure our posts. Now, Rand Fishkin analyzes the 10 most effective types of content for SEO, and when each should be used.
  • We are all aware that different stories are best told using different formats, depending on the message they are trying to convey. Sophia Bernazzani has developed a detailed infographic aimed to helping you understand how the brain processes different types of content so you can accurately choose which content type to utilize for each of your messages.
  • As content creators, you want to create posts that will inspire, influence, and move your audience to action. Here you can find an infographic illustrating 31 types of content all audiences crave.

Content Marketing Trends

Did you find these articles helpful? Do you have any questions? Let us know in the comments below or connect with us on Twitter or Facebook! Be sure to keep an eye out for part 2 of our post!

For more tips and tricks on content marketing, check out these blogs: