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Digital Insight for Business Marketing

The Best Digital Marketing Blogs From December 2017!

Posted by Nicholas Dimitriadis on Dec 28, 2017 8:20:00 AM

As you know by now, every month our team reads a vast variety of articles and posts related to all things digital marketing. With 2017 coming to a close, we wanted to share some of our top picks for this year’s final month, and hopefully shed some light on some speculations by industry experts for what is to come in 2018.

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  • Every business strives to increase visibility, traffic, and of course ROI (among others). In his article, Ryan Shelley covers how you can fulfill these three very essential business goals with a strong SEO strategy.
  • SEO best practices have constantly been evolving to cater to businesses and user alike. These days, perhaps the biggest focal point is the shift towards user experience (UX) consideration. Join columnist Sherry Bonelli, as she explains how SEO and UX work together to help both search engines and users.
  • For those of you who want to sit back and just listen, be sure to check out this Q&A webinar recording of Hootsuite’s Zak Ramdani. In this #SEJThinkTank webinar, Ramdani shares how Hootsuite was able to surpass their organic traffic metrics for seven consecutive months and how he deployed an SEO mindset throughout all communication channels within the company.

Content Marketing

  • Guest blogging is an excellent way to increase your visibility and show your authority, but as Ann Gynn states “Following your host’s lead is the key to being a good guest at someone’s home, and the same applies to guest blogging”. Join Ann Gynn as she goes over guest blogging best practices and etiquette in her article“17+ Guest Blogging Rules All Blog Managers Wish You Knew.”
  • By now it is common knowledge that duplicate content is harmful to your rankings, but how can you overcome this issue? In this article, columnist Chris Long shares how he addressed duplicate and similar website content to ultimately improve his clients’ organic search performance.
  • Differentiation is one of the most important things you must achieve in order to make your brand, business, blog, and offerings stand out in today’s saturated market. But how do you know you are indeed unique? You conduct a competitive analysis. This is exactly what Ellie Mirman focuses on in her article “How to Do a Competitive Content Marketing Analysis.

Social Media Marketing

  • Retargeting campaigns are a great addition to any sales and marketing strategy but can often become time-consuming and costly. In this article by David Christopher, you’ll discover seven ways to organize, analyze, and optimize your retargeting campaigns for more effective and efficient results.

 Lead Generation

  • Buyer behaviors and technological advancements have a significant impact on the evolution of lead generation trends. With changes to social and content marketing being anticipated in 2018, it is very likely that we will see alterations to lead gen trends as well. Join Salesgenie, as they share their take on what might be coming in the new year.

We hope you all had a great year, and wish you all the best for a prosperous 2018.

For more reading on how you can make an impact with your online marketing, see the links below: 


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